Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Canada's Employers (3 of 100)

Nintendo of Canada Ltd.
·         Helps employees save for retirement with contributions to a matching RSP plan.
·         Provides employees with five paid days off during the Christmas break, in addition to paid vacation allowance.
·         Encourages employee wellness with free memberships to an onsite fitness facility, that also offers onsite yoga classes.

Port Metro Vancouver
·         Gives employment presentations to high school students with disabilities, describing various job opportunities and giving advice on how to apply.
Recruits Aboriginal employees through internships, targeted recruitment advertisements, and outreach programs to Aboriginal communities.
·         Maintains an employment equity committee to create awareness around equity issues throughout the organization, and develops recruitment plans to hire jobseekers from designated groups.

Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre
·         The center adopted a formal Environmental Management System in 2008 to help identify the overall environmental impact of its operations -- designing and implementing environmentally-friendly programs, monitoring program successes, making adjustments where necessary and working to continually evolve and improve programs over the long term.
·         As part of its unique business, the Centre boasts a long history of conducting research and studying land and marine habitat with employees involved in numerous research and conservation undertakings, and, with nearly one million visitors every year, the Centre is a leading public advocate for increased environmental concern and awareness.
·         The Centre conducted a waste audit in 2008 and has since achieved a 73 percent waste diversion rate through aggressive organic waste composting, green procurement programs (such as using biodegradable food ware) and aggressive recycling programs available for employees and guests.

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