Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Young Entreprenuer

Laima Tazmin, Age 17, New York.
  • Started on her career path when she was 7 years old.
  • Was a High School Freshman with her own website design company.
  • Finishing her last semester, her business continues to expand.
  • Company earned $25,000.00 in 2006.
  • Put money towards helping pay for family expensese while her mother struggles to find a job.
  • Attending Columbia Universtiy.
  • working on starting a second business.

Young Entrepreneures

Evan Williams:
  • Invented twitter.
  • Social network including blogging
  • was a blogger
  • "Trust the hump"
  • Biggest search engine

Monday, September 27, 2010

Hunks Hauling Junk/ Foxes with boxes

Successful business, 500 000 first year, 20% profit.
I like the Idea that they have, very smart and people will always be cleaning uo... they just made the job that much easier.
I dont like the idea that they make money by pretty much doing nothing. They should advertise more, just a website isnt good enough... if they had more advertising they would make more money, plain and simple.


- Estimated value of $16,000,000,000.00

- Facebook is a social network, meant for people to meet eachother and become friends.

- The original founder of Facebook and CEO is 24 year old Mark Zuckerburg. Mark and 3 of his roommates created Facebook while attending Harvard University and launched the site on February 4, 2004 from their college dorm room. Forbes Magazine named Mark “the world’s youngest self-made billionaire” being worth an estimated $1.5 billion due to his creation of the popular website.

- I don’t know how it came about but either Google and Yahoo where feeling threaten by the up and coming of the social network or they seen a way they could make a mass profit but in late September 2006 talks with Yahoo where underway and is rumoured they offered $1 billion to buy out Facebook where Google offered about $2 billion.
Within 4 years of launching Facebook, became the number 1 social networking site on the web but according to other sources it ranks 2 nd . Finally, in 2007 after seeing all the other major companies investing in Facebook, Microsoft contacted the owners of the site proposing an investment in return for 5% stake in the company.

- Facebook is a network of free thinking and acting etc... Facebook is GREAT

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Rockeffellers

The Rockefellers' was a family that wanted to search for Black Gold (oil) and wanted to strike rich. which they did.

They Beleieved that: Money = Sex, Power, Lust.

They Searched for Oil (A.K.A Black Gold)

The town that they went to had fortune seekers "flood in over night"

Rockeffellers wanted to control things, they now own EXON mobile (Gas startion)

When people asked them w hat thehy were going to do wtih their lives. They said t hat they were going to make $100,000.00...

Believed that  it is important to be big... The bigger the company, the cheaper it costs, the more the profit you make.  Conserve everything possible to save money.

- It isn't the fortune he made, it's the fortune he saved.
- Success Tip: Keep a LEDGER.
- Refined oil to coarasen
Most hated man in America, Possibly the most hated man in the world.  
Roosevelt wanted to bring Rockefeller down...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Who Am I?

I am the Following:
  • Communicative *
  • Context
  • Empathetic*
  • Fair
  • Ideation
  • Stragetic
  • Woo

          Guardians: are the cornerstone of society, for they are the temperament given to serving and preserving our most important social institutions. Guardians have natural talent in managing goods and services--from supervision to maintenance and supply -- and they use all their skills to keep things running smoothly in their families, communities, schools, churches, hospitals, and businesses.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Richard Branson

  Richard Branson:

Richard Branson has had a couple of wise things to say, a couple of these quotes are the following:

 "If you can run one compeany, you can really run any company... Find the right people, inspire the right people. Like learning, and experiencing new things."

 "There is a line between success and money... Name brands stand for quality."

"Let People know your company, who you are, and how you can please them with your product."

What I have learned about Sir Richard Branson:
- If your not interested in something... dont grasp it....

- $25 000 000 000.00 & 55 000 employees ----> Ritch!

- Does not only have 1 big company, he has many little companys (Over 200)...

- He owns an ISLAND! (Bought for $240,281.00 in 1979)

The 6 ways of an Entreprenuer:

1) How you treat others counts.
2) Courage: Willness to put yourslef at risk.
3) Value. Added.
4) Leap into the unknown.
5) Willing to serve others.
6) Calculated risk.
  • Pick on someone bigger than you.
  • Look for the companiesn that lack value for $$.
  • EVERYTHING is negotiable.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Facing the Wave

Facing the wave refers to facing the challenge you are about to approach, dont back down, stand strong.

How can you walk around the problem?

Lastly, Solve the problem.

Embrace the Risk

Embrace the risk means try for what you want, and do not give up. Go the extra mile...

Find out what you have to do to complete this task, where you have to go to do it, and who you have to talk to.

Lastly, Complete the task.