Friday, September 24, 2010

The Rockeffellers

The Rockefellers' was a family that wanted to search for Black Gold (oil) and wanted to strike rich. which they did.

They Beleieved that: Money = Sex, Power, Lust.

They Searched for Oil (A.K.A Black Gold)

The town that they went to had fortune seekers "flood in over night"

Rockeffellers wanted to control things, they now own EXON mobile (Gas startion)

When people asked them w hat thehy were going to do wtih their lives. They said t hat they were going to make $100,000.00...

Believed that  it is important to be big... The bigger the company, the cheaper it costs, the more the profit you make.  Conserve everything possible to save money.

- It isn't the fortune he made, it's the fortune he saved.
- Success Tip: Keep a LEDGER.
- Refined oil to coarasen
Most hated man in America, Possibly the most hated man in the world.  
Roosevelt wanted to bring Rockefeller down...

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