Monday, September 27, 2010


- Estimated value of $16,000,000,000.00

- Facebook is a social network, meant for people to meet eachother and become friends.

- The original founder of Facebook and CEO is 24 year old Mark Zuckerburg. Mark and 3 of his roommates created Facebook while attending Harvard University and launched the site on February 4, 2004 from their college dorm room. Forbes Magazine named Mark “the world’s youngest self-made billionaire” being worth an estimated $1.5 billion due to his creation of the popular website.

- I don’t know how it came about but either Google and Yahoo where feeling threaten by the up and coming of the social network or they seen a way they could make a mass profit but in late September 2006 talks with Yahoo where underway and is rumoured they offered $1 billion to buy out Facebook where Google offered about $2 billion.
Within 4 years of launching Facebook, became the number 1 social networking site on the web but according to other sources it ranks 2 nd . Finally, in 2007 after seeing all the other major companies investing in Facebook, Microsoft contacted the owners of the site proposing an investment in return for 5% stake in the company.

- Facebook is a network of free thinking and acting etc... Facebook is GREAT

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