Friday, September 10, 2010

Richard Branson

  Richard Branson:

Richard Branson has had a couple of wise things to say, a couple of these quotes are the following:

 "If you can run one compeany, you can really run any company... Find the right people, inspire the right people. Like learning, and experiencing new things."

 "There is a line between success and money... Name brands stand for quality."

"Let People know your company, who you are, and how you can please them with your product."

What I have learned about Sir Richard Branson:
- If your not interested in something... dont grasp it....

- $25 000 000 000.00 & 55 000 employees ----> Ritch!

- Does not only have 1 big company, he has many little companys (Over 200)...

- He owns an ISLAND! (Bought for $240,281.00 in 1979)

The 6 ways of an Entreprenuer:

1) How you treat others counts.
2) Courage: Willness to put yourslef at risk.
3) Value. Added.
4) Leap into the unknown.
5) Willing to serve others.
6) Calculated risk.
  • Pick on someone bigger than you.
  • Look for the companiesn that lack value for $$.
  • EVERYTHING is negotiable.

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