Tuesday, November 16, 2010


  • Volvo bought out by chinese -----> UH OH!
  • predictions indicate the acquisting of maor global brands over next three to five years will ensure worldwide chinese dominance.
  • Organically 'grown' chinese brands will inevitably become highly popular internationally eclipsing those of Europe and USA
  • Chinese mindset is swinging from mechanical operational thinking to emotional "sexy" thinking heralding in unprecedented brand growth.

  • Disney - Apple
  • "Know what is the message to customers"
  • "Somatic markers" - from philosopher socrates "How do you stand out?"
  • Break with communication -
  • Characteristics that make me distinctive from my competitors or collegues:
    • Creative
      • Think outside the box
      • Looking for new ways to do something
      • Always looking at my options
    • Work Ethics
      • Hard worker
      • Get the job done right
      • Dont give up
    • Empathetic
      • Fell for people
      • understanding
    • Assertive
      • Always ready to argue
      • Argumentative
  • What I am going to be famous for:
    • "You ain't dutch, You ain't much"

  • "Think of yourself as a brand."
  • What does it mean to consider yourself a brand.
  • Branding seeks to create a better perception
  • Ralph Lauren's real name is Ralph Lifshitz
  • Personal Branding:
    • Who you are
    • What you do
    • What makes you diffrent
  • Always asume the world is utterly indiffrent to your business, no matter how good you are.
  • What a personal brand does:
    • You are diffrent
    • You are superior
    • You are authentic
  • If you dont tell them, they will make up their own minds for us...

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