Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mike Kind - November 4th

  • Never stop learning
  • Never give up
  • Find out your strengths
  • NEVER stop after failure
  • Love what you do
  • Take RISKS
  • Plan carefully
  • Failure is key
  • Jump at opportunities
  • Be a dreamer
  • Passion!
  • Perserverance
  • Creativity
  • Know what you want
  • Be willing to fail
  • Take advantage of free education
  • Work to achieve success
  • Dont do it solely for the money
  • Stick to your goals
  • Be frugal
  • Don't procastinate
  • Learn from your mistakes
  • Use your network
  • Use a ledger
  • Do something you love
  • Money is just a thing
  • Have a back-up plan
  • Don't burn bridges (Keep good relationships)

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