Monday, November 29, 2010

Merchants of cool Marketing to youth

  • dawsons creek, and other hit tv teen shows publicised the message that sex was ok.
  • sex sences were "eye grabbing"
  • No teenager is going to be satisfied with the PG13 horror film, they want to see the blood and guts
  • Everyone is either having sex or talking about it accessivly

  1. Where are the adults? Youth Marketers diminish the presence of adults in the youth market today.
The adults are at work.

    2. What is this doing to our teens?

This is showing teens that violence is ok, and raging is fine to do. It is also showing that it is fine to have sex and is encouraging them to have sex.

    3. A 13 year old that looks like a 17 year old. Comment on the reducing of standards in our society.
There are no standards in the society.

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