Thursday, November 25, 2010

Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad)

  • True story
  • Dad was head of education for Hawaii
  • Dad graded from Universitie in less that 2 years with 'A' Honours
  • Real Dad was Poor Dad
  • Rich Dad was Best friends father.
  • Mon ey is the route of all evil
  • Money DOES NOT bring you happiness
  • A socialisty is a person that ensures that everyone is equal
  • A capitalist is someone that focuses on unequalality
  • We are BOTH socialists AND capitalists
  • "I believe the government sohould take care of you"
  • Did not do well in school
  • Flunked when he was 15 and 17 yrs. old.
  • Flunked out because he could not write
  • sold over 600,000,000 copies world wide
  • Book written in 100 diffrent languages
  • Stresses the ownership of high value assets, rather than being an employee as a recurring theme in the book's chapters.
  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad contains much wrong advice, much bad advice, some dangerous advice, and virtually no good advice."
  • "Both my Rich Dad and my Poor Dad were my teachers."
  • "In my mind I am a capitalist, and in my heart I am a Socialist."
  • "There is a big diffrenece between a Billionaire and a Millionaire"
  • "To me money is just a game, to others, Money is a bible"
  • When you have money, you think you're intelligent, when you lose money you thinlk you are unintelligent
  • Wrote a Book with Donald Trump.
  • "Only 'A' subject in school was woodwork."
  • Find a way to make it, Creativity will help you make it.
  • Has 2 proffessions, can sail a boat and fly a plane.
  • 4 kinds of people
    • Employees
      • You have a job
    • Business Owner
      • You own a business & people work for you
    • Self Employed
      • You own a job
    • Investor
      • Money works for you
  • At age of 18 started into business
  • In 20's became millionaire
  • Took him from age 27 - 32 to rebuild his mone y back..
  • "I have lost 4 businesses in my lifetime, and eaach time I get smarter"
  • "My business going under was the best teaching I have evey had"
  • Asset: Something that puts money in your pocet weather you like it or not
  • Liability: Takes money out of your pocket, weather you like it or not
  • ASSETS are more important than LIABILITIES
  • Got a call from oprah to be on her show for his book
  • Its not your money that makes you rich, it is your heart, you drive, and your Brain.

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